Supporting Hospices, Hospitals and Care Homes during the COVID Crisis

On 4th April 2020, shortly after the start of the first COVID lockdown, we began our appeal:
“Can you or your business sponsor tablets or iPads for hospitals, hospices and care homes? We are appealing for urgent support to buy new equipment so in-patients and residents can keep in touch with loved-ones by video.”
Care homes had been closed to visitors since early March, leaving already vulnerable residents further isolated from family and friends; hospices and hospitals had severe visiting restrictions in place. We appealed to individuals to make any cash donation; though we understood their concerns and their need to focus on their employees, we appealed to businesses for support.
Through the enormous generosity of our community, individuals, businesses and organisations we raised over £18,700 which enabled us to quickly buy and distribute 187 tablets across High Peak, Tameside and beyond.
We have heard powerful stories of how this equipment helped families in some of the most desperate times.
We are very grateful to everyone that responded to our appeal, enabling us to help in the way that we did.

Care settings we helped up to 1st June 2020
Over 100 tablets were provided to 36 care settings up to this date. See a larger view of our impact map with other layers here.

Very many thanks to the individuals and organisations who supported our 2020 appeal.
Thank you to the League of Ladies WI Choir (now Fab Choir) for their amazing lockdown video of This Is The Life to raise fund for our tablet appeal.
Thank you to High Peak CVS for their grant to buy tablets for care settings across the High Peak and Glossopdale.
Thank you to Groundwork for a grant to buy tablets for care settings across Tameside.
Thank you to Charities Aid Foundation for a grant to buy tablets for care settings in Tameside.
Thank you to Foundation Derbyshire for two grants to buy tablets for care settings in Derbyshire.
Many thanks to The Craft Barn for their charity T-shirt initiative to support our appeal.
Thank you to Benchmark International for your donation of funds so we could provide tablets to local hospitals.
Thank you to Action Together for the grant that enabled us to buy tablets for Glossop and Tameside.
Please contact us to enquire about donating in any way to PCrefurb.
All contributions will make a real difference to people’s lives.
Thank you.